【活動報名】flyingVest 2022 Demo Day


flyingVest 2022年首場 Demo Day #03,聚焦「運動學習、行動娛樂、5G通訊、教育數位化」四大科技領域之新創實力,邀請「瞬間移動 Swipe」、「啊幄科技 ARwork」、「毫米波科技 mLab」、「讓狂人飛 Flying Crazyer」四家新創企業分享其創業成果及未來展望。



#01 瞬間移動 SWIPE

Swipe 線上舞蹈教室,把舞蹈學習變得更方便、更簡單;不限時間地點,隨時都能和全亞洲最強的舞蹈老師學習流行舞步。

#02 啊幄科技 ARwork


#03 毫米波科技 mLAB


#04 讓狂人飛 Flying Crazyer

讓狂人飛是教育科技新創,專注於將自然語言AI技術應用在提升線上學習成效,以 API as a Service 模式服務各大內容平台、教學者、知識工作者。繼「影片讓學習隨時發生」的時代來臨,我們相信「AI能讓練習隨時發生」。

活動結束了!你可以在這個影片觀看Demo Day:

【活動日期】2022/6/22(三) 14:00-14:30

報名連結 https://www.accupass.com/go/flyingVestDemoDay03


14:00 flyingVest 開場
14:05 新創團隊簡報
14:30 感謝




flyingVest Ventures 曙光網路加速器具豐富創投經驗與群眾募資經驗,創建完整創業⽣態系統,給予創業家關鍵資源,加速商業發展;陪伴創業家起步即快速紮穩腳步,從在地邁向國際。


flyingVest Ventures presents our first Demo Day of 2022. Swipe, ARwork, mLAB, and FlyingCrazyer will demo their milestones of this year and their roadmap moving forward.

Starting in 2012, flyingVest has mentored over 100 startup teams with over 900 million NT invested. Our focused sectors include biotech, AIoT, data analysis, and consumer electronics. Even though we are in the third year of the pandemic in an ever-changing world, we will continue to strive for success with our TTA and partners, both locally and globally.

See how these startups attempt to tackle their industries and what they have achieved, and let’s work together to create more opportunities for all. We invite all fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and friends from all over to join in on this gathering, see you there!


14:00 Opening Remarks
14:05 Startup Pitches (Presented in Mandarin)
14:30 Special Thanks


【Host by】

flyingVest Ventures

flyingVest Ventures is an accelerator with extensive experience in venture capital investments and crowdfunding.  We focus on building a sound entrepreneurial ecosystem, giving new startup teams the key resources needed at different stages, and assisting the team to grow and enter into international markets.